Protest Letter againt Dereje Hawaz, Oromo activist working with OMN in USA

To: Schweizer Engineering Company 2350 NE Hopkins Court Pullman, WA 99163 – USA Subject: Request for Legal and Ethical Action Against Employee Dereje Hawas for Incitement Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of significant concern regarding one of your employees, Mr. Dereje Hawas. It has …

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Letter to Ambassador of the United States in Ethiopia

May 18, 2024 The Honorable Mr. Ervin Massinga Ambassador of the United States to Ethiopia U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa Ethiopia Re:  Your Policy Speech in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 16, 2024 Dear Honorable Ambassador: We are writing you on behalf of Ethiopian/American civic organizations that share your concern about the current situation in …

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The Alarmingly Dehumanizing Conditions Obtaining in the Awash Arba Military Camp in Ethiopia.

The Alarmingly Dehumanizing Conditions Obtaining in the Awash Arba Military Camp & the Plight of Amhara Prisoners of Conscience Held there  Translation from Amharic into English by Assefa Negash, M. D.  25th of April 2024 – Amsterdam, the Netherlands E-mail address:  The Awash Arba military camp[1] is located 214 …

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Twitter Campaign for Ethiopians!

#1. The recent drone attack by the @AbiyAhmedAli government killed more than 100 innocent Amhara civilians in Sesit Shewa, Amhara region. #StateSponsoredAmharaGenocide @UNHumanRights @hrw @amnesty @SecBlinken @MikeHammerUSA @StateDept @BBCAfrica @Reuters Please Click on Tweet !  Tweet #2. According to eyewitnesses, the recent drone attack in Sasit Shewa, Amhara region by …

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FANO: A Mass Outrage For Amhara Existence, Justice And Ethiopian Unity – By Girma berhanu (Professor)

FANO: A Mass Outrage For Amhara Existence, Justice And Ethiopian Unity By Girma Berhanu Introduction This paper is a continuation of my previous work FANO: A Living Saviour of The Amhara People And The Ethiopian Spirit – Analysis. (1) A lot has happened since my last work. Having almost accurately predicted how …

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እስክንድር ነጋን አስገድላለሁ ያለው ወንጀለኛ !

ባለፉት ሳምንታት ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ነፃነትና ፍትህ ለማምጣት በሚታገለው በታላቁ እስክንድር ነጋ ላይ ኃላፊነት የጎደለው የግድያ ዛቻ በማህበራዊ ሚድያ መተላለፉን ተገንዝበን በጣም አዝነናል:: በዚህም የተነሳ የማህበሩ አባላት ግለሰቡ ማን እንደሆነና የት ሀገር እንደሚኖር ለቀናት የፈጀ ፍለጋ አድርገው አግኝተዋል::  የግለሰቡ ስም ዮሴፍ አበበ ሲሆን እድሜው በግምት 70 ዓመት ነዋሪነቱ በሳንፍራንሲስኮ ከተማ ካሊፎርንያ …

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