አስቸኳይ የእናት ሀገር ጥሪ!

የእናት ሀገር ጥሪ! ተዊተር አካውንት ላላችሁ የሀገር ልጆች!
የተባበሩት መንግስታት የጸጥታው ምክርቤት በኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይ ሊመክር ነው!
የትህነግ ርዝራዝ,ዥ እና ተከፋይ የነጭ ሙህራን ነን ባዮች ዘመቻ ከፍተውብናል!
የጁንታው ዳያስፖራ ክንፍ በውሸት የሚያደርገውን እኛ በእውነትና በሀቅ እናደርጋለን! እነሱ ስትራቴጂስት ቀጥረው በውጪ ሎቢሰት ድረገጽ ከፍተው ነው ተዊተርን የወረሩት! የነሱ የቲዊተር ሰራዊት የተሰናዳ እና ዝግጁ የሆነ ጽሁፍ የሚገኝበት ገጽ ከፍተው ነው እየታገሉ ያሉት፡፡ በጦርሜዳ ተሸንፈው ኡኡታ በልጠውናል፡፡
የእኛ ትግል መከላከል ነበረ!
አሁን ወደ ማጥቃት ተሸጋግረናል!
እኛም ባለችን ፌስቡክ መልእክቶችን በማስቀመጥ ቲዊተርን በሀቅና በእውነት እንወረዋለን! በ144 ካራክተር የተጻፉ ኮፒ እና ፓስት ማድረግ ነው!
አምስት ደቂቃ ለሀገራችሁ ስጡ! ኮፒ ከዚያ ፔስት!
The provisional admin of Tigray is doing its best to help& rebuild Tigray. The people need our solidarity. It is disturbing to hear that the TPLF wing in the diaspora is keeping millions of dollars raised in the name of the people! This is betrayal! #Ethiopia #Ethiopiaprevails.
The foiled strategy, as the TPLFite Sekou Toure described, was to conduct a “blitzkrieg” assault on ENDF & swiftly capture the major cities & coordinate terrorist attacks. In the chaos, the TPLF would sneak back to power& reestablish itself in its former position. FAILED!
The #UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil (#UNSC) should impose sanction on #TPLFisTerrorist leadership & affiliates in response to its threat to Int’l peace & security.#EthiopiaPrevails #UNSCsupportEthiopia @Chinamission2un @franceonu @RussiaUN @UKUN_NewYork @USAmbUN …
#TPLF facilitated conflicts in & among #HOA states, leading #HOA to further fragility& instability. #Ethiopia’s effort to stop #TPLF from posing further challenge should be supported, not sanctioned. #EthiopiaPrevails #UNSCsupportEthiopia @Chinamission2un @franceonu
In one of the most barbaric turn of events, #TPLF perpetrated genocide in #MaiKadra. In this tragic incident, over a thousand unarmed, largely seasonal laborers of mostly Amharas were savagely slaughtered. Amnesty International has reported! All know #EthiopiaPrevails
#TPLFisaTerroristGroup fabricated & exaggerated humanitarian crisis using its agents in int’l instns & media to shift the blame & global attention from their heinous crimes & to mount int’l pressure on #EthiopiaPrevails #UNSCsupportEthiopia @Chinamission2un
The UNSC & the Int’l Community should not be duped & mislead by #TPLF’s highly organized & orchestrated disinformation & deception cyber campaign. #EthiopiaPrevails #UNSCsupportEthiopia @Chinamission2un @franceonu @RussiaUN @UKUN_NewYork @USAmbUN @Ethiopia_UN
#TigrayRegion was already on the verge of food shortage and humanitarian crisis as the crop production was detrimentally affected by climate change, land infertility, and desert locust. #EthiopiaPrevails #UNSCsupportEthiopia @Chinamission2un @franceonu @RussiaUN @UKUN_NewYork
TPLF supporters & sympathizers keep presenting exaggerated figures of people in need of humanitarian aid to enable TPLF to revive financially & logistically to conduct insurgency against the federal govt. #EthiopiaPrevails #UNSCsupportEthiopia @Chinamission2un @franceonu
The idea that #TPLF should be dignified w/ any sort of engagement, much less recognition as a legitimate political party after treasonous crimes it committed would have been completely ludicrous if it was not a seriously rotten proposition! @SecBlinken #TPLFisaTerroristGroup
TPLF’s dual-track strategy, start a war If u win declare victory& celebrate if u lose cry victim & start z disinformation campaign Bware #TPLF is lie personified! @Chinamission2un @USAmbUN @franceonu @RussiaUN #EthiopiaPrevails
#Ethiopia is rebuilding #TigrayRegion whose #infrastructure is #intentionally damaged & destroyed by retreating #TPLF forces. #TPLF fights 4 power & money, not 4 z people of the region. #AxumAirport #EthiopiaPrevails @Chinamission2un @USAmbUN @franceonu @RussiaUN

About expeder

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